
May 2020 Newsletter

31 May 2020

I sincerely hope this newsletter finds you fit, well, healthy and able to enjoy this beautiful weather in some way.

At this stage, there is still no news on when I can return to work. It is positive that some professions are starting to consider opening up over the summer, however, there is no news for Massage Therapy just yet.

To be honest, I am keen to see how the relaxing of the Lockdown rules go, before I make my plans too quickly.

The good news is that I have not become complacent with my time off. The sewing machine came out and I've been making a variety of masks... and along with a "growing" proportion of the nation, I have been learning how to make bread! I have spotted that the kneading technique is not dissimilar to massage, so it is a great substitute for the time being.

I have also started to think ahead to anticipate the changes that will need to take place to create an environment that is safe for you and for me. Once the rules have been clarified and I am clear how I will adjust my practice I'll let you know.

On a lighter note, another little reminder about the importance of moving your body: I am still really enjoying Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. Its a lovely yoga programme that is not about holding funny positions or being super stretchy, but focuses on movement. Try it!

Stay in touch and let me know if you have any questions, aches or pains that I may be able to help with remotely - I'd be more than happy to help.

