Hello *|FNAME|*
I hope you are well.
Today was another beautiful day and it really lifted my spirits, so I thought I would drop you an email! As I was out running earlier I was reminded that over the next few weeks the Lockdown restrictions will be easing and so I wanted to get back in touch with you.
So, the good news is that anyone can now book in for an appointment after the 12th April (not just those with a medical need). This is super exciting for me, as it's going to be lovely to see you and everyone again. And to reassure you, all of my Covid-Safe procedures will remain in place.
I am really looking forward to getting back to normality and treating you again - whether its for niggles, non acute pain, maintenance or simply that you want to relax and unwind. I really do appreciate your patience, understanding and support during all of the restrictions,... thank you!
Enjoy this lovely weather, and I hope you get to see your friends and family again soon for some outdoor walks.
Best wishes
P.S. Reminder - you can see my availability on my booking page and now anyone can book for an appointment after 12th April.